Ultra Dial Ring Branding and Interface
The Ultra-Dial ring is a ring uses state of the art ultraviolet sensors to detect sunlight exposure, vibrating when the wearer has exceeded recommended levels of sun exposure and when it is time to reapply sunscreen.
Website Design

The amount and length of the vibrations will vary for different users depending on their skin type and the intensity of the sun’s rays that day. The personalization of these vibrations will be achieved through the user entering their details into the Ultra-dial application upon purchase of the ring.
App Interface

Once the app has downloaded the user will be introduced to the Ultra-Dial Ring and its features. The user will then be prompted to select the “Get Started” button which enables them to sign up and fill in forms such as registration details and to build their personal user profile. This consists of users selecting their skin type, which will ultimately give the app most of the data needed to offer personalized and relevant insights for skin care.
and sun safely. Once filled out, the user can connect their ring directly using wireless Bluetooth technology. Then the user can view on interface that gives them crucial information such as weather advice, exposure times and more. there is also an option for the user to set alarms reminding them, which syncs directly with the vibration of the ring itself.